Section 3 is a 2-part video which covers the topic of the Disruptive Person & De-escalation for Team Members. Part 1 will cover:
1. What is verbal De-Escalation.
What verbal De-Escalation does.
2. Why learn verbal De-Escalation.
How to use verbal De-Escalation.
3. The goals of verbal De-Escalation.
Interacting with a person.
4. De-Escalation strategies that work.
You are encouraged to download the Section 3 Part 1 Notes package to follow with the video. There is also documents to reinforce De-escalation information.
Video Length: 43:28
Section 3 is a 2-part video which covers the topic of the Disruptive Person & De-escalation for Team Members. Part 2 will cover:
1. Protestors and Demonstrators.
2. Maintaining Personal Control.
3. When You Need to Escalate Commands.
4. When Faced With a Failure to Comply.
5. Options for Difficult Situations.
You are encouraged to download the Section 3 Part 2 Notes package to follow with the video.
Video Length: 19:01