Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response

The decision when to use or when not to use force must be weighed carefully. The consequences of an improper use of force can be devastating physically, criminally, and civilly.

In this 3-part video series, the laws pertaining to the use of force will be reviewed to allow you to be able to articulate, make sound decisions or implement appropriate actions if ever faced with the potential use of force situation.

You are encouraged to download the notes package which include additional resources for your study and reference. 

Citizen Pistol

5: Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response Part 1 

Section 5 is a 3-part video which covers the topic of the Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response. The Part 1 video will cover:

1. The relevant words and their definitions pertaining to Use of Force in Ohio Revised Code 2901.01.
2. Review OH RSC 2901.05 – Burden of Proof, Reasonable Doubt and Self-Defense.
3. Use of Non-Deadly Force in Defense of Property.
4. Ohio’s Requirement in a Self-Defense Claim – Burden of Proof
5. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force.
6. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force Continued – Innocence.
7. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force Continued – Imminence
8. About the AOJ Triad which can provide a quick assessment of imminence of an attack.

You are encouraged to download the Section 5 Part 1 Notes package to follow the video with.

Video Length: 25:49
Section 5 Part 1 Church Safety Series

5: Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response Part 2

Section 5 is a 2-part video which covers the topic of the Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response. The Part 2 video will cover:

1. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force Continued - Proportionality.
2. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force Continued – Avoidance.
3. The Elements Required in a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force Continued - Reasonableness
4. A Quick Reference Graphic on the Elements required for a claim of Self-Defense in a Use of Force.
5. The best fight is the one you avoid.
6. Civil Immunity in Ohio.
7. Ohio Revised Code 2305.40.
8. Ohio Revised Code 2307.60.
9. Ohio Revised Code 2307.221. New Law April 2025

You are encouraged to download the Section 5 Part 2 Notes package to follow the video with.

Video Length: 22:12

Section 5 Part 2 Church Safety Series

5: Introduction to Use of Force Laws for Safety Team Member’s Response Part 3 

Section 5 is a 3-part video which covers the topic of the Introduction to Use of Force Laws for
Safety Team Member’s Response. The Part 3 video will cover:

1. Boyd’s (OODA) Loop.
2. The Tueller Study.
3. The Tueller Study: How Close is Too Close?
4. The Tueller Study: Reality.
5. Tactics for Charging Attacker Armed Edged and/or Impact Weapons
6. The Tactical “L” in Reaction to a Charging Attacker
7. The Tactical “J” in Reaction to a Charging Attacker

You are encouraged to download the Section 5 Part 3 Notes package to follow the video with.

Video Length: 40:58
Section 5 Part 3 Church Safety Series

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